Markpol Distributors is located in Wood Dale, Illinois and was founded in the year 2000, created with a goal of providing customers with the finest assortment of shelf stable grocery merchandise imported from Europe and shipped by container to our warehouse in Wood Dale.
To compliment and round out the imported grocery merchandise additional grocery items are purchased domestically in the United States. The business is primarily a wholesaler/distributor function along with a another division of the company referred to as a DSD Direct Store Delivery division which includes collecting, picking, processing, delivering orders then following delivery and rotating stock placing the new merchandise on the retailers shelf. Markpol Distributors currently services some 500+ customers in the Midwest.
Markpol Distributors has recently added both refrigerated and frozen capacity in our Wood Dale, Illinois warehouse to further expand the product assortment. We will continue to bring fine, high quality products along with competitive prices to our customers. By continuing to bring additional products, expanding our customer offering and passing along incremental savings to our customers, we will only serve to further ensure customer loyalty.
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